Vertical Farm: An improved scope of collective farming within an urban area

Have you ever imagined a world where all our food produce is cultivated on ‘indoor’ farms, situated atop high rise buildings within an urban scope? The idea may certainly seem ludicrously bold to some. However, with the instigation of gradual loss of land and soil and the power hungry modes of conventional farming, the notion does have the potential to cater to our future needs. In this regard, the Vertical Farm has been conceptualized as a possible solution to food production, where the dictum of sustainability is maintained within a new and advanced economic eco system.


Envisaged as a part of an EPA funded research project, the ambitious endeavor was conceived by a team of students, faculty members and researchers from Clemson University. Their goal encompassed mainly two criteria; how the farming part can be carried out with modernistic, efficient yet low cost means, and, how this expansive ambit can be fitted within an improved economic scope with participation of the local populace.

Concerning the first factor, the researchers have looked forth to integrate various adaptable yet sustainable construction methods and materials, within a micro environment apt for a city location. In fact, with utilization of advanced yet low cost techniques like energy efficient heating and cooling systems and smart climate optimization, the farming process can be significantly improved within a smaller area.

Secondly and more importantly, the whole scope of farming can adhere to a form of economic feasibility, where the people can actively take part in the endeavor, from within their indoor spaces. According to the researchers, this food oriented community can work together for newer methods of production and various culinary specialties of that particular area.

So, at the end of the day, it is the collective scope of Vertical Farming that improves upon its sustainable nature. And, in this regard, it is the green technology that would fuel the entire ambitious process.

Via: JaredMooreDesign

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