Vertical hydroponics oasis to increase the yield and quality of crop in Syria

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Eco Factor: Hydroponic tower with purification tanks, wind turbines, and solar panels.

Responding to the fertile land of oasis disappearing rapidly under the increasing urban sprawl in Syria and other Middle Eastern countries, architects James Murray and Tobey Lloyd has proposed an ingenious solution to house people. The architects came up with a design of a series of vertical hydroponics oasis, which provide housing and allotments for local residents.

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The hydroponic tower will not only increase the yield and quality of horticulture crops, but will also utilize just ten percent of the water needed in regular farming. The high-rise structure will house offices, laboratories for the scientists and housing for the caretakers. The base of the tower will include a local market where local produce will be sold. There is also room for green features like water collectors, purification tanks, wind turbines, and solar panels.

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An external and internal waffle structure will allow pods to be attached to it. These hydroponic pods that plug-in to the main structural frame will be fed by a series of structural pipes. The added benefit of this green oasis is, it eliminates the soil requirement, hence reducing the fear of soil borne disease and weeds.

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Via: Evolo

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