Sustainable solar spirituality: Bacolod City gets an Earth Chapel that is all green

It is one of the unfortunate consequences of human history that both religion and science have never seen eye to eye on various issues. It is understandable, but the fact that if both of them stopped ridiculing one another and starting working towards a common goal, the world would be a lot better place to live in. Here is another case in the point with the new ‘Earth Chapel’ that has taken shape in Bacolod City, Philippines.

'Earth Chapel' in Bacolod City

The local community has brought together three of the very best on the country when it comes to sustainable design and green architecture to create a green chapel that could be a blueprint to many across the globe. Marisol Alquizar was instrumental in the designing of the entire Chapel and its structure while Tagoy Jakosalem was the man behind the interiors and hooking up of the Chapel with alternate energy sources like Solar Power. And to add to this existing array of talent, Nunelucio Alvarado, one of the best artists in the country, who designed the unique crucifix for the Earth Chapel.

The entire Chapel is made out of mud, Bamboo, grass, discarded old bottles and wooden slabs that are no longer in use. There are other materials used as well, but all of them are completely biodegradable and obtained from natural sources. The best thing here is that there is not a whiff of plastic. The Chapel is also the first solar-powered religious structure in the entire country of Philippines and with technology like LED lighting incorporated; the Earth Chapel truly lives up to its name.

There can be nothing more spiritual than reconnecting with nature as it helps you get closer to the creator that people believe in. As we said earlier, with the strong faith that religion can invoke along with the solutions that science can offer, we can motivate majority of the planet and bring in a change towards a sustainable and clean future. It is just a matter of understanding each other better!

Via: Mindanaoexaminer

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