Singapore to have a full fledged mechanized woodland with massive manmade trees

Singapore SupertreesLooking like some glorious bio-punk rendition of our future landscaping, the above pictured initiative is very much real and happening. Grand can be an underestimation here, as an ambitious project of an enchanting man made woodland is all set to undergo in the Marina South district of Singapore. These supposedly 50m high ‘trees’ would be constructed from concrete and metal wire rods.

The basic design of each super-tree consists of a concrete tower as the main trunk part, with metals rods unfurling in an expansive ‘canopy’ (at the top) to denote the branching out of twigs and leaves. This artificial branching system will actually be filled with real plants and leaves to have an enthralling effect of a real giant tree with copious foliage.

The natural canopy of green materials (including plants, vegetations and leaves) will weigh at a whopping 20 to 85 tonnes per tree, and they will be moved to the top level by a hydraulic-jack system. Additionally, dark shaded steel frames would be incorporated on the side facades for naturalistic look of brownish bark.

But the naturalism doesn’t end here; designers have also looked forth to install solar panels to seven such trees. The resultant clean electricity will be used to power the ground lighting system during various exhibitions. Other than that, there would be rainwater collecting systems and even a 22m high broad walkway connecting two canopies. This spatial element will provide enticing views for tourists all over the metal garden.

There are some plans on how to use such an expansive yet intriguingly green space. The massive installation once completed will be utilized for various green conservatories, where exclusive and rare plants from all over the world can be showcased inside the canopies. Moreover, the site park is also chosen to host the Singapore Garden Festival.

Via: DailyMail

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