Remarkable churn of phoenix to green renaissance

Rising from the ashes of an item, bearing the inscription of its previous birth, illustrating an engaging history, comes a Remarkable product line, stirring deep within an interest and desire for recycling.

It is time that we wake up from our long doze, stepping on the gas to wrestle our way for a greener surrounding. It is time that we generate environmental awareness amongst people so that environmental issues are considered priority in all concerns. While we just swivel around the perception, a Remarkable factory in the heart of Worcestershire is busy churning waste into something identical to its name.

Remarkable is the vicinity where old-fashioned necessity that has found the landfill, gets a new transition or rather a renaissance, which is sensitive on the environment – being crafted out of recycled and sustainable materials. It is right here at Remarkable (co. started by Edward Douglas Miller in 1996), where plastic cups can write on notepads formed out of juice cartons – an incredible brand name that makes recycling a funny fairy tale, thereby building a strong belief in the technology and green designing.
Remarkable is definitely giving UK a decent makeover, clearing the trashcans, not in the dumping grounds, but in its own backyard as raw material, for its quality-designed products that carry environmental credentials. The products are for sale at the London’s Science Museum, but you could also fetch the desired produce on Remarkable website.

[Source: Inhabitat]

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