OWL now comes for £30 for even cheap savings!

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We are constantly looking up techniques to save our electricity bills and to deliver this, there many energy saving products in the market that promise great results. Most of them only paint you the rosy picture and miserably fail to deliver the benefits promised. However ‘Owl’ proves the other competitors wrong with ease by doing what the others ‘claim’ to do. This energy saving gadget displays the electric consumption of a household, which in turn helps the users to keep a tab on the energy being used.

Isn’t it awesome? Most of the things in life would work fine if you would keep a constant check on them, unfortunately every thing in life cannot be controlled, but your electric bills certainly can! Originally priced at £45, this is now available at a discount rate of £30 at the Ethical Superstore until 18 August. For those of who are crazy about the gadget, now is right time to grab it!

Via: Smartplanet

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