Maura Hernandez and Bill Holloway carve bicycles from recycled wood

Maura Hernandez and Bill Holloway, an artistic odd couple at Masterworks Wood and Design have carved these amazing bikes almost entirely of wood. Both of them spend hours looking for used woods that can be repurposed for these rolling pieces of art. Inspiration to recycle wood in such a manner came when Holloway’s friend told him to combine his passions and try to make a wooden bike.

Amazing wooden bicycles

Imported from England, a high grade mahogany ply was used to build the bikes inner frames, which provides flexibility and strength to the bike and the finish is sealed by applying expensive Brazilian rosewood oil. The seat, which is big and comfortable is carved out of wood and looks similar to a customized Eames chair. Fat Kenda Flame tires makes the bikes cooler and more attractive. Although, lots of experiments were done with various kickstands, but in the end a kickstand that looks like an easel of a small painter was created by Holloway.

In total there are ten cruiser bikes, out of which the Defender costs $5,500 is the original sapling of this fleet. Other models like the Interceptor, which is based on pirate theme and the Cherry Bomb, with flames carved out of wood costs around $7,500. It took 85 hours to assemble a prototype of plywood.

Via: Mercurynews

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