Liquid Chimney: Reduce Global Warming and Restore Coral Reefs

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Greenhouse gases are the main factor behind the dangerous global warming. Gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon Monoxide are the main gases usually termed as green house gases. However, can there be a way to reduce these gases and convert them into an eco-friendly material…?

Tom Kiser has tried to do just that by converting these harmful gases into a harmless material, which can be deposited onto the ocean beds to restore coral reefs.

Kiser’s invention known as ‘Liquid Chimney’ can convert the Greenhouse gases into such a material. Kiser claims that steel rings can help filter out greenhouse gases. The principle involves routing the waste gas flow into a chamber packed with objects such as these steel rings. These rings provide a large surface area for liquid to flow over. At the surface of the liquid gases are trapped and either get dissolved in them or react with them to form harmless substances.

Such a technology can definitely work and if Kiser is the man who can save this planet from destruction then we wish he and his company Professional Supply the very best of luck…!

Via: treehugger

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