IEA expects 25 percent of global electricity from solar power by 2050

solar power

Eco Factor: Solar power plants could generate 9000TWh of energy within four decades.

The International Energy Agency has figured out a dazzling future for solar power. The agency has released two roadmaps for photovoltaic technology and concentrating solar power, which can generate up to 9000 terawatt hours of energy, approximately 25 percent of the global demand, by 2050.

This amount of renewable energy will be able to cut carbon dioxide emissions by almost 6 billion metric tons per year by 2050. Concentrating solar power, which focuses solar radiations onto a small area to generate electricity, will be used in bright and sunny areas and will be dominated by regions such as North America, North Africa and India. Currently the technology is responsible for just 0.1 percent of electricity generation around the world.

Photovoltaic technology is currently dominated by Germany, Spain, Japan and the U.S., who generate more than 1GW of power from installed PVs. However, countries such as China and India are catching up fast.

Via: LA Times

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