How to go green with your baby

Having a baby is one of the most precious experiences for a woman.  Giving birth to new life is a thing so pure and to make a conscious effort to go green during your pregnancy would give you a more positive birthing experience.  Here are five ways that you can choose to go green with your baby.


If you need to start then start when you are pregnant

According to Environmental Working Group, an NGO that looks into environmental research, common household stuff lead to nearly 200 pollutants and chemicals that are contained in the blood inside the umbilical cord. Going by these statistics, you, as a mother, should protect your baby in the womb by switching to healthier habits.  Eat organic vegetables and fruits that are free from herbicides, fertilizers and pesticides.  This change can reduce your exposure to toxins.  Think of the additional cost as an investment towards your child’s well being- remember that good nutrition will provide your baby a stronger immune system.


Make sure that you throw an eco friendly baby shower

This is not meant to be a dampener on your baby shower dreams, but remember that huge gatherings often lead to gross wastages.  Try to go green and sent e-invites instead of physical invitation cards to your guests.  Opt for linens and crockery instead of disposables.  Do not just stop at the baby shower- ensure that every occasion in your household including your baby’s first birthday is celebrated in green fashion!


Green spring-cleaning

If you are cleaning up or doing the intensive spring-cleaning, remember to opt for chemical-free cleaning products.  Most of the cleaning products contain harmful agents.  In fact, if you look closer, you will observe that many of these products contain a message saying “Danger: Keep out of reach of children’ with a skull and crossbones”.  Try natural cleaning agents such as a 2:1 mix of vinegar and water.  There are eco friendly brands of cleaning products such as Method, Shaklee and Seventh Generation.


Purify the air

It might just seem impossible to clean the air; however, we can manage to purify indoor air.  This can simply be done by opening a window and letting fresh home in to get rid of the gas pollutants emanating from the furniture and carpet.

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Find green baby food

Children are more susceptible to the harmful effects of pesticides as they are fast growing and are developing continuously. Try to redo your grocery list and opt for “organic baby formulas like HiPP Dutch Stage 2, organic juices and foods. “ They will taste better and will be much healthier too.


Going green with your baby and incorporating certain changes into your lifestyle will prove to be extremely beneficial for your child right from the womb.  Apart from your baby, it will do good to you, as you would consciously try to eliminate toxic products from your household.

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