Gemstone’s Eco Pods allows you to make a home in green circular havens

Nowadays, people are becoming naturalist and would love to have homes, which reflect nature. While there are people who admire and long for a ‘modern home’, there are also those that despise staying in one. For such people, the modern home is a concrete box and they desperately seek something more natural. That is because many modern houses are made up of a host of chemicals and other harmful substances. However, here is good news for these naturalists. Gemstone eco-pods are circular havens of harmony where all the materials used will be green.

Gemstone Eco-Pods

Gemstone was born out of sheer frustration of Gemma Roe who had enough of being boxed and cooped up inside a residence that was reeking with chemicals and artificiality. There is a big niche in the market for the beautifully crafted circular buildings, which will inspire and relax the occupant at the same time. All the Gemstone constructions will be circular in shape. While the shape itself seems to inspire harmony, the design and decor is meant to enhance it.

The Gemstone home will be made from materials that are available locally. It will be chemical free and toxin free. Not a drop of petrochemicals will get into your home as far as the construction is concerned. Only green building techniques will be employed while constructing the homes. Thus, these Gemstone homes seek to revolutionize the building atmosphere through sustainability, exceptional quality, natural living and unparalleled craftsmanship.

Via: ShedWorking

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