Gardens on the roof, no cars, pedestrians ruling everywhere; Welcome to the Paris of 2100

yannick gourvil et ccile leroux 1
Ever wondered what Paris would look like in 2100? Well, if an exhibit prepared by Yannick Gourvil and Cécile Leroux of the architecture firm Collectif et alors, is to be believed the climate change would make it 2 degree warmer. The Paris of 2100 would be a lot greener and environmentally friendly, so much that the pedestrians would rule the city instead of cars and every building would have a roof garden. The exhibit, called “+2º: Paris s’invente!” is made up of 20 images, one for each of Paris’ arrondissements.

As of now, this imagination cannot be tossed off as sheer fantasy. Paris has already rolled off the idea of making it a lot greener by creating a pedestrian paradise out of the Les Halles shopping mall. Redesigning of river banks and great Vélib bike share system are a few of the facts that don’t let us rule down this ‘green’ thought. Though the creators of this design themselves accept that the Paris they have exhibited is actually a utopian city and there is no scientific policy that can be followed to transform present day Paris into this magnificent city. To term in their own words, it’s an “exploratory playground.”

They have written:

In this reinvented Paris, the Seine becomes a place to live life, the roofs are made accessible, housing is adapted, Parisians reappropriate the streets once monopolized by cars, bikes are used in fast lanes, metro stations become places of open sky, farms are set up in the city…so many alternatives transform the City.

“+2º: Paris s’invente!” is the fruit of a simple idea; the acceptance of the fact that earth is getting warmer and that Paris needs to take measures to adjust to it. It’s a part of the City’s Week of Sustainable Development (April 1-7). Undoubtedly the citizens Paris in 2100 would be too much environment conscious according to this exhibit. They walk and cycle and use public transport instead of running around in cars.

This imagination, though not based on a very scientific principle follows few basic steps like a strong public transportation system leading to lessening in the number of cars. One interesting part is the acceptance of floods that are considered to be a natural process. Canals have a border of marshlands and in this Utopian city Parisians would also be seen taking canoes. Right now, this might be a fairy tale city, but undoubtedly efforts made today can help Paris transform into this magnificent city that its future generations may be proud of.

Via: Treehugger

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