Futuristic green concepts that could transform our lives

There are several green design concepts that can drastically change our lives for better. While some of these concepts may go realistic in near future, some others just seem to be dreamy wonders as of now. Take a look here at a few such amazing futuristic green concepts that are innovative and beneficial for people, as well as the environment.

Hydroelectric Tidal House

Hydroelectric Tidal House

Designed by architect Margot Krasojeviฤ‡, this futuristic home will only run on the energy supplied by ocean or tidal waves. The house will have an outer concrete shell and an inner aluminum shell. The outer shell will be equipped with solar cells to generate energy for the living areas. In the cross-section, there are hydraulic turbines that harness the power of ocean to produce electricity and also bring flexibility in the outer shell. The inner shell is lightweight and keeps anchoring the outer shell. This system will also be able to work in integration with solar and wind energy.


Physalia concept

It is a concept for cleaning waterways in Europe and letting people travel alongside. Physalia is the name given to an amphibious garden that is designed in a shipโ€™s body. The roof of this vessel will have photovoltaic cells to generate and supply energy to the engine. Its hull will also have hydro turbines, and its hydraulic network is what cleans up the water. The water will be pumped up to the roof for being cleaned by the vegetation there. Titanium dioxide will give a cover to the complete structure so it can also absorb carbon dioxide in water.

Horizon System

Horizon System

Studio Globe has tried to redesign the air transport system. This concept talks about the SkyLink pod to which an aircraft or SkyShip can be linked. The pods will carry people and their luggage, as well as bring fuel for the aircraft. In this case, there is no landing of the aircraft required. Thus, the aircraft wings can be optimized and its efficiency can be increased.

Drone Ambulance

Drone Ambulance

The design company, argodesign has created a drone ambulance concept to fight the obstacles of emergencies and traffic jams. This one-person drone can be made to land anywhere to help patients quickly. Thus, several lives can be protected be reducing the reaction time within low costs.

There is a variety of innovative green concepts being designed for future use. Some of these concept designs may soon be seen in reality, thus transforming our entire lifestyle.

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