Five reasons why you should be buying organic meat and dairy

Many responsible citizens are changing their eating habits to lead a more eco-friendly life. People are getting themselves used to a vegan diet. Animal cultivation is the reason behind 80% global deforestation. It also causes severe pollution. Animal farms do not observe or follow the basic rules of hygiene. As a result their surrounding air and water sources are polluted. The livestock has to be fed huge amount of grains. Natural resources are also wasted during transporting livestock from one place to another and in storing beef and pork. Not to mention, several farms keep animals in a deplorable condition. If you cannot stop eating meat or dairy products then at least you should choose meat and dairy that is produced in an environmentally friendly manner. In the following you will find five good tips for buying the right sort of dairy and meat products.

meat free of GMO, hormones and antibiotics

Buy meat that is free of GMO, hormones and antibiotics:

Always buy meat of animals that have been raised in a completely organic manner. This means that these animals are not injected with artificial bovine growth hormones or any other sort of chemicals. The animals are raised in a very healthy and organic environment, without any modification to their genes.

ethical treatment of animals

Ethical treatment for farm animals:

If you canโ€™t stop eating them at least demand good behavior towards them by protesting against unethical treatment of animals. The animals are a part of the nature. They should be treated with humanity. Buy meat and egg from farms that practice free grazing and ranging. Also find out if the cows were fed an organic feed or not.

animal manure for enriching the soil

Find out how manure is being used:

The small farms utilize the animal manure for enriching the soil. It is a healthy and good way of using the manure. The industrial farms, however, use manure in a large scale and in their attempts to reap more profit they only pollute the environment. Too much manure can pollute the water of wells beyond repair. The sustainable animal farms produce a more organic and non-polluting manure.

synthetic fertilizers

Less use of chemicals:

In sustainable farms, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not used. Chemicals like dioxin and DDT pollute the soil. This type of harmful chemicals can also be very dangerous for the health of consumers.

buy organic, support organic

Buy organic, support organic:

Organic farms are developing rather slowly. The organic animal farms need your support to grow and expand. They are providing healthier meat and milk products to you. Supporting them can create a win-win situation for all.


Meat lovers who are not ready to walk the vegan way should at least start buying organ meat and dairy products. This way they can show support to the organic farmers, and better treatment of animals and the environment.

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