Eco Gadgets: Efergy eLite to monitor energy wirelessly

efergy elite

Eco Factor: Energy monitoring device encourages users to save energy.

We’ve seen some energy monitoring devices and software in the past, but the main problem with all those systems is that they are fixed and we in our busy lives might never have enough time to check them out every now and then. The Efergy eLite is out there to save us from the problem, as this device monitor comes with a handheld system that works wirelessly up to a range of 200 feet.

Priced at $65, the device connects to the power meter and displays the amount of energy being consumed in real time, in a way telling you the amount of money you’re spending on all those gadgets, which are plugged into the power socket but aren’t being actually used.

The Dark Side:

The system just informs the average energy being used in your house and doesn’t tell about which gadget or appliance is consuming more energy. Moreover, it doesn’t export data to your PC which would have been more helpful in planning your energy needs.

Via: Dvice

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