Continually, obesity in both urban and suburban folks has been held responsible for around 1bn extra tonnes of GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emissions every year, which is not good for the health of the planet as well. Though people do their level best to shed those extra calories, the process may not be that smooth to all of them. In recent years, the liquid diet has come up as great way to allow yourself a couple of weeks without excruciating starvation to remove extra pounds, completely clean the intestines and remove harmful toxins from your body.

Significance of liquid system for losing weight

drastic weight loss

The essence of the diet based on liquid nutrients lies in the use of low-calorie foodstuff in liquid form and water. Water is the fastest and an incredibly effective medium to help you lose kilos and minimize caloric absorption, as it perfectly satisfies hunger and allows your body to spend less time on digesting it. In addition, through the entire liquid diet based weight loss process, the abdomen gradually begins to contract, which will make it mandatory for you to have food in small portions while forcing other organs to work more intensively.

You can also substitute your liquid diet with pre-proportioned supplements like Leptigen shake. They are healthy and let you stay hydrated and full of required protein throughout the day:

Advantages of such dietary methods include

  • There is no exhausting feel of hunger;
  • The body and intestines tend to cleanse fully;
  • This dietary process ensures regular physical productivity and good mood; and,
  • The body remains gradually saturated with nutrients.

On the other hand, liquid diet is strictly contraindicated for people with medical conditions related to liver, kidneys, heart, and intestines. The main rule that has to be followed with this dietary system is the strict absence of solid food in the diet and the use of the allowed liquid every 50 to 60 minutes. The liquid diet removes excess several kilos of harmful substances that pollute the body.

Daily menu for a perfect liquid diet should consist of vegetable soup, fruit juices, chicken and vegetable broth without salt, sour-milk and dairy products, and sugar-free coffee and tea,

What is the peculiarity of liquid diet?


  • Consuming large amount of liquid food dampens appetite fully, while providing minimum amount of calories. That is why liquid food can effectively help you lose weight.
  • Liquids based food allows the body to absorb all the necessary nutrients quickly and removes toxins from human body as well.
  • The effectiveness of a liquid diet lies in the structure of the human body. Everyone knows that it is 90% water. With lack of water, it is simply impossible to burn fatty deposits in cells. That is why major weight loss occurs within the first 4 days of the diet. When body feels saturated with sufficient amount of liquid, active synthesis of proteins begins. This is responsible for consumption of fatty deposits and sudden drop in weight.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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