Citrus Magic’s Gingerbread Spice Air Freshener

aifresheneDo you frequently use air freshener? But, worried about the harmful effects of the chemicals used in it? Or worried as you are allergic to it? Citrus Magic provides you with a solution. Citrus Magic is a company that specializes in making a whole range of household products using citrus oils, and other natural ingredients. Concerned with all these bad effects of a freshener, Citrus Magic released Gingerbread Spice Air Freshener for this holiday season. It combines the scent of gingerbread with a hint of citrus. This product is 100% natural, hypo-allergenic, and packed in a non-aerosol container. It’s priced at $9.95. Grab it fast and get eco-friendly with your sweet smelling surrounding.

Via: Treehugger, Citrus Magic

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