Bastoey Prison – A prisoner’s green paradise


Prisons usually are thought of as closed cells where prisoners are given inhuman treatment and are made to work in areas which are not fit for human survival. Now think Norway’s way – A prison where the prisoners are kept in minimum security and in homes not cells. You might think this to be a place where escape is easy. Yes, it is but once caught after that the prisoner might spend the rest of the term in a high-security prison. This is enough reason why prisoners don’t often try to run away.

The prison has no locked gates or barbed wire, the prison operates with solar panels, wood-fire heating, strict recycling and eco-friendly food production. The prison officials say that they want the prisoners to learn techniques which can benefit the environment and keeping them in lush green environment might just suffice the purpose.

The island is about 1.5 miles from the mainland and inmates live in houses and are responsible for the care of about 200 chickens, eight horses, 40 sheep and 20 cows. They can also tend the fields, pick berries and fish on the prison’s 30-foot boat. All the prison’s agricultural products are raised without any artificial chemicals and fertilizers. The prison also uses solar panels to complete its electricity requirements.

No doubt such friendly environment might make the inmates lovers of Mother Nature, but what about their sentence for which they were sent to this jail. Does giving prisoner’s inhuman treatment make them change their behavior or the behavior can be changed by simply living in nature’s lap…? Please feel free to continue the discussion as to what can actually provide better results, is it jails where prisoners are treated as animals or is it the Bastoey Prison.


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