An energy saver-Making your own beer

make your own beer

Yup, that does sound odd. Does making your own beer not involve more of your energy than just going out & grabbing a six-pack? Well it does but the energy in question here is not “your energy”. It is the energy resources of the world that get saved by making your own beer. Sounds like an outrageous claim? Then read on & I’ll prove it to you.

Now it is a commonly observed fact that food products made in bulk need more energy than the ones that you make at your own place. This does not only involve the energy invested in the production but also involves energy spent in transportation & storing. So what does all that amount to? In simple terms: a huge waste of energy. This is why environmentalists suggest that it is better to make your own beer.

Now I understand that people generally think that it’s a tough process & the end-product is not as good as what is available at stores. All this, is mostly a fine marketing gimmick devised by the companies to force you into buying their hyped product.

Making beer at home is easy. All you need is malt extracts, hops, specialty grains & yeast. Yes, you do need a little equipment that is generally easily available. There are many sites that offer a complete step-by-step making for free. So get out there & make your own beer. It’s a small effort you make that can make a big difference. Finally, on a more personal note, always recycle used up beer cans & bottles. Please don’t leave them lying like that.



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