Agro Housing – Time for us to go grazing the fields?

agro housing

The concept of Agro-Housing is to have housing programs that will allow the formation of a new social and urban order that can be replicated as it represents basic human values lost in the process of modernization and progress. Additional expected benefits from Agro-Housing include the decline in commuting, the decline in further transportation system development, and the replacement of the zoning strategy by more sustainable urban conception. As the world’s population burgeons at startling speeds, it’s a proposal that’s more necessary than simply clever.

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Countries like India and China need to improvise the scheme for sustainable housing, the population structure is so mammoth that people need fresh food to eat, and would probably also prefer to breathe somewhat clean air. But the population structure and urban invasion prove to be a mind-numbing puzzle for urban planners everywhere. The project is a combination of housing and urban agriculture. There’s an apartment tower in which people live. Then there’s a multi-story greenhouse that sits in the middle of the building, where fruits, vegetables, spices, and flowers will grow. A rooftop green space caps off the structure, and passive and active solar energy, along with gray water irrigation and rain water harvesting, helps keep the building also somewhat sustainable in form as well as function.
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The architects plan for the greenhouse to provide food for the building’s tenants. In addition, since the space is so large, there’s the possibility of the residents creating little businesses for themselves selling the produce. Maybe the start of a neighborhood farmers’ market?

Via: Knafoklimor

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