2009 World Games to get solar stadium capable of meeting its 80% electricity needs during operation

solar stadium for 2009 world games

The main stadium of The World Games 2009 Kaohsiung will be using solar energy, becoming the state-of-the-art, first of its kind in the world in conformity with a ‘green building code,’ according to a Kaohsiung city government official.

The spiral-shaped ceiling of the stadium will be installed with solar energy plates, Lin Chin-jung, director of the Bureau of Public Works, said. This multi-functional stadium will be made self-sufficient in electricity needs.

With the Kaohsiung City having an average of 2,282 hours of sun each year – which averages to 5.6 hours daily — the solar energy plates will be made capable of receiving enough sunlight for providing 80% of the electricity needs during the stadium’s operation. And during the remaining time, it will provide 100% of the needs. And if the electricity is generated in surplus, it could be sold.

Via: Treehugger

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